Why is tennis the toughest sport
and why it drives crazy those who have not yet understood the reasons...


Dorian Martinez

Whatever their level, tennis players are often criticized on the basis of the results they get…


A person who has never played tennis in competition will always have trouble understanding how the brain is put through the mill during a game. Tennis seen in a very superficial way is an elegant sport, historically practiced by privileged people belonging to a well-to-do social class. An easy sport …


However, making the effort to analyze more deeply this sport, makes it possible to realize that it is surely one of the most difficult ... And on many points ! This book is not intended to compare sports with another but rather to highlight all the elements that make tennis an extremely difficult sport. Despite appearances.


In this book, i will not talk about complex techniques taking time to be learned and being a necessary step to achieve a satisfactory level of practice. I will not talk about the difficulty for a pro player to go around the world every year and manage, often alone, the long waiting times in his hotel room being more or less high-class according to his financial capabilities.


No, i will only deal with the factual elements making tennis such a special sport.


Tennis is a sport that can drive you crazy if you put up with its laws without getting them. Soon it will not be your case anymore.


Good reading !

Dorian Martinez
Psychologist - ATP Coach





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